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Healthcare for a New Generation

Millennial Healthcare Expectations Today - SpinSci Blog

The new generation of young adults are unknowingly reshaping the healthcare space by being the first generation to be born and raised into an entirely digitized world. The views and expectations this generation has for healthcare is significantly different from those of older generations:

  1. Convenience. The newer generations engage in a variety of online experiences including but not limited to online shopping and banking and seek similar digitally driven solutions in terms of health– even at the cost of privacy or quality of care. According to Harvard Pilgrim Health, 74% of Millennials prefer seeing a doctor virtually, as telehealth is a more logistically attractive alternative. Surveys have shown that 71% of Millennials wish to book appointments and receive notifications through a single mobile app or site.
  2. Cost. Millennials are choosing healthcare solutions that are more suitable for their wallet over their actual health. According to Becker’s Hospital Review, 50% of Millennials dodge doctor visits to save money. Additionally, 50% of Millennials demand transparency with cost estimates beforehand.
  3. Accessible & accurate information. Compared to older generations, the younger generations are more likely to seek Google as their first source of information before seeking physician care regarding diagnoses or even provider recommendations. Therefore, it is a necessity in today’s day and age for providers to prioritize establishing an online presence, having positive reviews, and creating visually appealing content in order to build trust with the user.

The integration of telehealth in today’s healthcare system has enhanced the process of care delivery by improving access and efficiencies on both ends of the patient-provider relationship, and the demand only increases with younger people comprising a significant portion of the population. The sudden emergence of the pandemic has created a high demand for safe, remote, and convenient healthcare within their age group as well. Currently 76% of hospitals within United States utilize technology to provide care remotely and conveniently making digital healthcare the new normal.  Ultimately, appealing to the younger crowd will require providers to adapt to the digital and mobile trends quickly. 

SpinSci offers patient engagement solutions including Patient Assist, Patient Engage, Patient Notify, and Patient Register to seamlessly incorporate technology to form a more comprehensive digital patient experience and better streamline the rapidly transforming preferences especially for younger generations within healthcare today.

Medhini Ramesh
SpinSci Austin College Intern ’22

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